Weight : 150 gr / 0.15 kg per item
Welcome to Dede Satoe Traveling to other people's lands is indeed very fun and full of challenges. Meet new friends, gain experience, and experience new culinary. Sometimes, eating Indonesian food becomes something that is missed. Sambal Dede Satoe comes to meet the need for practical packaged sambal, which is easy to carry anywhere and anytime. MSG and artificial food coloring free. HACCP, US FDA, GMP, Halal certified. Ingredients: Chili, garlic, salt, vegetable oil, potassium sorbate. Net weight: 135 grams Which is your favourite? ❤️ --- Selamat datang di Dede Satoe Perjalanan ke negeri orang, memang sangat menyenangkan dan penuh tantangan. Bertemu teman baru, mendapat pengalaman, dan merasakan kuliner baru. Adakalanya, makan masakan Indonesia menjadi hal yang dirindukan. Sambal Dede Satoe hadir untuk memenuhi kebutuhan akan sambal kemasan praktis, yang mudah dibawa ke mana saja dan kapan saja. Bebas MSG dan pewarna makanan buatan Tersertifikasi HACCP, US FDA, GMP, dan Halal. Komposisi: Cabai, bawang putih, minyak nabati, garam, kalium sorbat. Isi 135 gram Manakah favorit anda? ❤️
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